Saturday, 12 January 2008

Alan Qoa and the Secret History

Here is an article on something our professor talked about in our Central Asian history class the other day:

The Secret History of the Mongols - great epics, heroic tales of man and superman

The Secret History of the Mongols
THE Secret History of the Mongols (Mongyol-un ni'uca tobca'an) is the earliest surviving literary monument of the Mongolian people. Its author is unknown, and although it is widely thought to have been written in 1240, both its original title and the exact date of its composition are still matters for debate.
What is beyond doubt is the fact the The Secret History is a historical and literary document of major importance. Not only does it recount the genealogy of the early Mongol khans and the life and times of Genghis Khan, founder of a unified Mongol state, it also paints a vivid and accurate picture of the nomadic Mongol way of life and provides rich source material for an understanding of Mongol society in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
Soviet Academician Boris Vladimirtsov has described The Secret History as a "history-chronicle" retold in epic style and "impregnated with the aroma of the steppe". A British scholar, David Morgan, has pointed out that whatever hesitations historians may feel about the work as a strictly accurate record of historical events, there can be no doubt that it provides a unique and authoritative insight into the way of life, patterns of thought and beliefs of the thirteenth-century Mongols.
Genghis Khan, the warrior who united the Mongol tribes
The Secret History may be divided into three parts--a genealogy of the ancestors of Genghis Khan, stories about the life of Genghis Khan, and a short section on his son and successor Ogodei.
The first part records the legendary history of Mongolia as reconstructed from very ancient oral traditions--myths and legends, stories and accounts of historical events. It opens with the legend that the forefather of the Mongolian people was "a bluish wolf which was born having [his] destiny from Heaven above", whose "spouse was a fallow doe".(1) The image of the wolf appears in the mythology of many Eurasian peoples, closely connected with ancestor cults of the tribal chief or the founder of a clan.
The following well-documented genealogy of the Mongol khans exalts the glory of the "Golden Horde" and is the genealogical basis for studies of the early history of the Mongolian people.
The main theme is developed in the second part of the epic, in which legend and myth give way to more reliable historical data. Although the narrative continues in the epic style, it begins to assume the characteristics of a chronicle. An ancient Eastern system of chronology, based on a twelve-year animal cycle, is used to date events in the history of the numerous Mongolian tribes and their unification into a single state by Genghis Khan, the central figure of the story.
Genghis Khan is portrayed not only as a legendary hero and warrior, the embodiment of the "steppe aristocracy", but also as a great political figure and statesman who decided by his "iron will" to put an end to the discord among the Mongol tribes, where anarchy prevailed:

The Heaven with stars
Was turning round about.
The many peoples were at strife.
Not entering into their beds,
They were spoiling one another.
The earth with crust
Was turning backward and forward.
The whole nation was at strife.
Although the main hero of the story is Genghis Khan, one of the greatest conquerors in world history, the author does not seem to attach great significance to his military campaigns against other countries, as if he had deliberately ignored that aspect of Genghis' career. On the other hand, he constantly stresses to readers and listeners the benefits and privileges to be enjoyed within a centralized Mongolian state.
The third, much shorter, part of The Secret History summarizes the reign of Ogodei (1228-1241), the second great khan of Mongolia. It is thought to be a later addition to the main text.
The cult of Light
A work of great literary merit, The Secret History is a unique phenomenon in the history of nomadic peoples. It has been compared to monuments of world literature such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Alexander Romance literature, the French Chanson de Roland, and the Russian Lay of Igor's Campaign.
The Mongolian people lived at a crossroads of world communications and it would be a mistake to assume that such an epic could have been created by them in isolation from other civilizations. The script in which it was written had its origins in Phoenician, Aramaic and Sogdian systems of writing. Close examination of the text reveals traces of religious and mythological concepts of ancient Oriental peoples, especially the influence of the Zoroastrian-Manichaean cult of Light. This cult is reflected in the Mongolian legend of the immaculate conception of Alan-qua, the foremother of Genghis Khan's clan, by the "Father-Light". Alan-qua recounts her experience in the epic:
Every night, a bright yellow man entered by the light of the hole at the top or [by that] of the door top of the tent and rubbed my belly. His light was wont to sink into my belly. When he went out, like a yellow dog he was wont to crawl out by the beams of the sun or moon.

To read the rest, visit here:


I'm not sure how often I'll get to post here, now that school has started, but I'll try my best. I'm taking three classes. Chinese, History of Central Asia and Iran, and Labor Studies. As part of the labor studies class, I will be volunteering two hours per week with the Firefighters' Union downtown!

I owe a lot of people emails, but as I've just come down with a cold, I'll be saving correspondence for later this weekend, I hope.

Saturday, 5 January 2008

Radio Show on Controversial Use of Anthropologists by US Military

Locker Room School

Education can be everywhere we look. We are taking it in all the time. Many of these things we learn, we never share with other people. Take the things you learn in a women's locker room, for example. I go to a gym every day (with mixed feelings on so many different levels and planes). I think a place like a gym locker room is an important place for me as a young woman. At first, I felt a little uncomfortable seeing all these female strangers walking around nude in the locker room. Women from many different countries come to this locker room, and I realized that so many of them seem to feel infinitely more comfortable in their own bare skin than I do. Curiosity has since overtaken my discomfort. I now remember how much I learned about what would happen to my body as I grew up when I went into women's locker rooms at the public swimming pool with my mother when I was a little girl. I remember how I would stare, as children do, at shapes that I knew I would one day take on myself. Now I'm too culturally trained to stare, but I do learn so much from the corner of my eye. Most men probably have some fantasy idea of what a women's locker room is like, but that couldn't be further from the reality. In a women's locker room, you will see long tangles of red, blonde, and black hair in shower drains. You will see that young women with the most cookie cutter attractive bodies and faces actually have so many interesting and unique differences under their clothing. (The media would call these flaws, I call them refreshing realities.) You will also see the sacrifices of motherhood and grandmotherhood weighing on women's bodies. You will see the most interesting birthmarks. You will see bruises in the strangest places. If you are a woman, you will see everything that you have been and that you will be. You will see so many American women try to hide their own bodies behind towels, no matter what their age, shape or size. You might catch yourself doing the same, but then stop, realizing that someone might learn a little more about their own life from watching yours out of the corner of their eye.

Manifestos on the Future of Food and Seed

If you are interested in the topic of maintaining biodiversity on this planet, I highly recommend that you read Manifestos on the Future of Food & Seed, edited by Vandana Shiva. It is published by South End Press www.

Here is an excerpt from Shiva's introduction to the book:

"Terre Madre was a gathering of small producers who refuse to disappear in a world where globalization has written off diversity of species and cultures, small producers, local economies, indigenous knowledge. Not only are small farmers and local food communities refusing to go away, they are determined to shape a future beyond globalization. As Granny Almanac, the Italian Minister of Agriculture and Forestry stated in his introduction to `Terra Madre?:
What is original and truly revolutionary about Terra Madre is that by selecting the Food Communities least susceptible to industrial process ? hence distinctive for the authenticity and quality of their produce ? it attempts to place small-scale food producers at center stage.
Diversity is the ground for the turn around of our food systems ? diversity of crops, diversity of foods, diversity of cultures. Diversity is both the resistance to monocultures and the creative alternative. Building on our uniqueness and variety is our strength, a strength that can be eroded only when we give up on it ourselves.
Another paradigm of food. "

To read the complete article, visit:

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Biomimicry: Using biological adaptation as a model for sustainability

Here's an excerpt from an essay on biomicry by Janine Benyus:

"Another of my favourite examples is the humming-bird, an organism about the size of my thumb. It flies up to thirty-five miles an hour (faster than you can get around most cities in a cab) and migrates about 2,000 miles a year. Those journeying down the eastern flyway reach the lip of the Gulf of Mexico and then pause for a while, fuelling up on 1,000 blossoms a day. Finally, they burst across 600 miles of open water without stopping, on a whopping 2.1 grams of fuel. And that's not jet fuel: it's nectar.
But here's what amazes me even more: in the process of fuelling up, the humming-bird manages to pollinate its energy source, ensuring that there will be nectar next year - for itself, for its offspring, or for completely unrelated species of nectar feeders.
In the process of meeting their needs, organisms manage to fertilise the soil, clean the air, clean the water, and mix the right cocktail of atmospheric gases that life needs to live."

To read the whole article, visit:

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Do Not Mail List & Western Pharmaceutical Companies In China

My friend Per Terje inspired me to look for this, and I was happy to find it does exist! Reduce the amount of junk mail that comes to you! Register your address here, though for some of these, they ask payment:

This one stops catalog mailings:

Here's a link to send Congress a message requesting a government sponsored "Do Not Mail List", but who knows how effective these things actually are:

Also, here's an interesting article:

Western drugs sell slowly in herb-happy China

Colleen Cheng and Angel Chen, Chinese marketing executives in their 30s, should be the ideal customers for U.S. and European drugmakers. So far, they are a tough sell. Glued to cell phones at an expensive Beijing restaurant, the working moms would fit in at any cafe in New York or London with their fluent English and stylish clothing. They spend hundreds of dollars monthly on herbs, acupuncture and supplements. What they don’t buy are Western pharmaceuticals, like Johnson & Johnson’s cold medicine Sudafed and Sanofi-Aventis SA’s sleeping pill Ambien.

“With Chinese medicine, it is all about balance,” Cheng says. For a cold, she boils ginger root in Coca-Cola. Rather than take a sleeping pill, Chen drinks Chinese white wine. “The effect of the Chinese medicine is very slow, but we continue to take it because we believe it is better for our overall health,” Cheng says. While China’s middle class has fallen for Buick cars and Starbucks coffee, medicines made by Western drugmakers haven’t caught on as quickly. The average Chinese spends $10 a year on pharmaceuticals compared with $900 for each American. The world’s biggest drugmakers, including Pfizer Inc., Johnson & Johnson and GlaxoSmithKline Plc, need to court customers like Cheng and Chen as sales growth slows in the mature U.S. and European markets.

Read more at: